Thursday, January 10, 2013

now we're cooking with power

do you remember "tool time?" tim "the tool man" taylor getting into lots of trouble by trying to do everything with a power tool. well, not the trouble part, but i recently got a new power tool for my kitchen.
cuisinart smart stick immersion hand blender

isn't she a beaut? she has lots of cool new outfits and i have only tried the blender part, so i will have to fill you in as i use the other parts. but i am convinced - this is up there with the stand mixer (aka the beast) as far as cool!

what did i blend? (you ask)
a two-potato soup. the recipe was simple enough...onions and leeks, vegetable stock, and russet and sweet potatoes.

sidebar: it cooked in my other new kitchen toy - cast iron round casserole. sexy cranberry red!

once these were all tender, the blender went in. and that soup was not the same afterwards.
it was ah. mazing!
what was at one point chunks of veggies and potatoes was now a smooth, creamy soup. with one touch, or rather a series of touches, i used "more power" to blend away. and now all i can think about is "what can i blend next?" i am going to look up every creamy, blended soup and sauce i can find.
i also want to try out the other accessories - see what it's like to whip and chop with this thing.
oh the places i will go...

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